3 Reasons Why CBD Muscle Rub Should Be In Your Medicine Cabinet
When it comes to pain relief, there are an overwhelming number of options out there. No doubt you’ve seen advertisements for pills, patches, creams, and tons more all claiming to be the best on the market for getting rid of the most severe muscle pain the fastest. The problem is, they’re probably all right for […]

Why buy CBD Oil from Green Owl Wellness?
BECAUSE GREEN OWL WELLNESS PRODUCES TRUSTWORTHY CBD PRODUCTS We know y’all know this, but we couldn’t be prouder of this fact. When you’re looking for CBD products near you that are locally crafted and trustworthy, please remember that every batch of our products is made in Brooklyn, Wisconsin (just outside of Madison!). We also send […]

Are you paying too much for CBD?
In this unregulated world of CBD, many of our customers crave information related to the price and quality of CBD they are purchasing. We did some research for you using popular CBD brands and have some tips on red flags to look for when purchasing CBD and how to compare CBD prices to ensure you’re […]

Going Solar in 2020 – Green Owl Wellness!
We’re going solar and couldn’t be more excited! Green Owl Wellness, made a resolution to being kind to the environment. In that spirit, we’ve gone solar! Our facility is now powered by 45 JinkoSolar 385 solar panels. We have always been proud of the Wisconsin CBD products that we produce and the sustainable process we […]

Using CBD to Relieve Everyday Stress
If you’ve spent any time in Wisconsin, chances are you know the feelings of terror and stress when a deer or other critter runs out in front of your car. One minute you’re cruising merrily along, and the next you slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the panicked animal. Your heart is pounding, you […]

Understanding Full Spectrum CBD Oil
Full Spectrum CBD Oil is currently the most popular variety of CBD Oil available. Read below to learn how CBD (cannabidiol), and specifically Full Spectrum CBD Oil has become a valuable part of many people’s everyday wellness routine. What is Full Spectrum CBD Oil? Full spectrum CBD oil is comprised of a full spectrum hemp […]

The Benefits of CBD and Working Out
CBD and working out is one of the most common topics we’ve been discussing lately. For fitness buffs, competitive athletes, and casual weekend warriors there are a ton of advantages in using CBD before and after your workout – here’s a little bit about the why and how. CBD Reduces Exercise Related Inflammation The key […]

CBD and Sleep – Finding a Natural Solution
Do you struggle to fall asleep at night? When you do fall asleep and wake up do you feel more tired than when you went to bed? Sleep disorders affect millions of people. They cause you to perform poorly at work and school, and can put you in danger during your morning commute. Lack of […]

Miracle cure or placebo? As CBD industry booms, some worry about quality control
Green Owl Wellness was just featured in an article written for the Isthmus. Take a look here: https://isthmus.com/news/news/cbd-industry-quality-control/

How Long Does It Take for CBD to Start Working?
If you are new to using CBD, then you might be wondering exactly how long does it takes for CBD to start working. The answer to that that question is not simple; there are many factors that could impact the answer. As with all help supplements, it does take time before you feel the effects. […]